Monday, 4 August 2014

More Elephant Poaching in the Kruger NP

Another elephant has been killed for its tusks by poachers in Parfuri,  in the Northern sector of the Kruger National Park, a few kilometers from the Mozambican and Zimbabwean borders.

Nobody has as yet been arrested in connection with the crime, as the poachers are no doubt long gone across the border. Only a couple of months ago another elephant was killed in the area, and still the SA government denies that there is a poaching problem.

There is an urgent need for committed action from the SA government to stop the escallation of poaching in the country.

“Elephant poaching has been happening for a while now in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, so we did expect that it would at some stage reach our area,” said SANparks spokesperson William Mabasa. The Parfuri region of KNP is particularly open to penetration by poachers because it is so close to the Mozambican and Zimbabwean borders.

A report in July 2013 concluded that rogue South African hunting operators were orchestrating poaching operations in the area, particularly rhino. Independent intelligence sources  uncovered documents implicating local safari units in aiding and abetting Mozambican poachers by supplying them with ammunition, finding buyers for the horns and bribing South African officials and Mozambican politicians. They claim to have passed on the information to South African authorities, but have heard nothing more about it.

It's just a trickle at the moment but it could so easily become a flood.

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