Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Rhino poaching upsurge in Botswana

Poachers have raided the pristine Mombo Concession in the Okavango Delta, killing three rhinos and stealing their highly sought after horns within a period of one month. On Tuesday security agents discovered two carcasses of rhinos, one fresh and the other seven months old.
Unconfirmed reports indicate that a team was dispatched from Mombo camp on Thursday to check three other suspected rhino carcasses. Should they be confirmed the total number of rhinos killed in Mombo will increase to six in a space of a month. Two weeks ago, the Botswana Defence Force (BDF) anti-poaching unit shot and killed two suspected poachers they encountered while tracking a wounded female rhino. The suspects, who had shot the rhino, were ambushed and killed on sight.