Thursday 15 August 2019

Green Mile Safaris has hunting permit revoked in Tanzania

Tanzania has revoked a hunting permit for Abu Dhabi-based Green Mile Safari, which runs safari hunting operations around Lake Natron, for alleged violation of game hunting rules.

The firm is linked to the United Arab Emirates' ruling family.

Natural Resources and Tourism Minister Dr Hamisi Kigwangallah announced the ban, citing violations of wildlife hunting regulations, including killing of wild animals not specified in its hunting licence.

The ministry further accused the UAE firm of failing to pay the local communities concession fees amounting to Tsh329 million ($144,000) in the past two years.

The company is further accused of employing minors.

n 2014, the Tanzanian government suspended the Green Mile operations in key wildlife reserves before restoring the permit in 2016.

Former natural resources and tourism minister Lazaro Nyalandu revoked the licence, accusing the company of haphazard killing of wildlife in hunting expeditions based on a video circulated on the Internet.

The video, which angered conservation groups, showed hunters, including minors, using automatic weapons from moving vehicles, capture of young animals and torture of dying ones, and using baits and lights at night to attract animals.

Mr Nyalandu said the company violated the Wildlife Conservation Act (No. 5 of 2009), which prohibits safari and amateur hunters from chasing and shooting wild animals, and killing young ones.

Friday 2 August 2019

Horrifying video of big cats being bred for their bones in South Africa

Credit: Conservation Action Trust

 National Council of SPCAs made yet another deeply shocking discovery. No words can aptly describe this cruelty.

Breeding big cats for their bones to make wine. Department of Environmental Affirs it is high time to shut this industry down.

BREAKING NEWS: NSPCA  did a follow-up visit to the same farm in the North West Province, only to find more lion cubs in a devastating physical condition.
On further investigation, the NSPCA found a chest freezer with approximately 20 carcasses of lion and tiger at varying ages. The NSPCA removed a further five carcasses for post mortem examinations to determine the cause of death, and will be laying further charges in terms of the Animals Protection Act No 71 of 1962.
This comes after 108 lions, caracal, tigers and leopards were found in filthy and parasitic conditions in April this year and charges were laid against the owner, which also happens to be a South African Predator Association member.
This video was taken of a cub on site.
#BLOODLIONS comments on this news:
"It appears the extent of cruelty and neglect has no boundaries within the predator breeding industry in South Africa. We strongly urge the public, tourism and government bodies to put a stop to this industry.
Read the full Blood Lions statement here:
And let the government hear your voice by emailing:
# Hon.Minister Creecy of Environment -
# Head of Communications for Environment - Mr Albi Modise:
# SA Predators Association -