Friday, 27 February 2015

Poachers kill baby rhinos in Save Valley Zimbabwe

Poachers in the Save valley in Zimbabwe killed two small black rhino for their horns. One was about nine months old and the other about three years old. They bioth shared the same mother, who was also shot and wounded. The horn on the younger one only weighed about 40 grams.

The mother was treated for her wounds, and at first appeard to make a quick recovery, but died seven months later from a bone marrow infection in her leg caused by one of the poachers bullets lodged in it.

There are less than 500 black rhino left in Zimbabwe. According to official figures rhino poaching is declining in Zimbabwe. There were 52 killed in 2010 and only 16 in 2013.

 Bryce Clemence of Anti-Poaching and Tracking Specialists (ATS) and his team of trained rangers have been operating in the private Save Valley Conservancy since April 2012. He felt that although they kept having thee setbacks he was optimistic about the future for rhinos in Zimbabwe.

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